Buy The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates
Most of the patron reviews inform that the The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates from Publisher ,are quality product. It could be a pretty great product for the value. You can scan overview from consumers to find out additional from their past experiences. The customers feedback will give you a nice suggestion of the price and nice satisfaction of the products.
All in all, we are actually suggest The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates fou you. This online sellers provide the best quality and save expense cost which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions provides you having a a whole lot of fuller details on the cons and pros on the The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates.
All in all, we are actually suggest The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates fou you. This online sellers provide the best quality and save expense cost which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions provides you having a a whole lot of fuller details on the cons and pros on the The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates.
Want to give the Go Plate a try without buying one of the big packs? This convenient mini pack has seven of them, just for you! The plastic plate fits right over your drink so you can hold everything (including your beverage) in one hand. It's the perfect party or BBQ plate with a compartmentalized design that accommodates both warm and cold foods. Not only are they reusable, they can even be washed in the dishwasher! As Seen on The Today Show! Video: See The Go Plate on The Today Show! Video: See the Go Plate in Action. In stock and ready to ship. Features: Crafted from sturdy, reusable, clear plastic. Made from RPET (recycled leftover industrial plastic) and is recyclable. Designed for freehanded eating and drinking. Fits over most consumer bottles, cans and cups. Designed with bumps and ridges on the underside of the opening so 16 and 18 oz cups fit snuggly and the plate stays balanced. Ideal for cold or warm foods. Plate lifts off easily for access to your drink. Hand washable or top rack dishwasher safe (Use energy cycles, or low heat cycles - the product is tested up to 140 F). Specs: Dimensions: 10" Diameter. Includes: (7) Go Plates.
The Go Plate Mini Pack - Reusable Food & Beverage Holder - 7 Plates Feature
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